The latest issue of The Christendom Review is now available on-line. It is a memorial issue for Marion Montgomery, of whom editor Rick Barnett writes movingly, in his introductory letter to the issue:
This issue of The Christendom Review is in fond memory of Marion Montgomery, who passed away last November. Marion was a friend and Contributing Editor of this journal; he was also one of the finest theological and philosophical writers after the Second World War. He was writing up to the very end of his long and prolific life, and there are many volumes of his work yet to be published, enough material to keep doctoral students of literature, theology, and philosophy busy writing dissertations for a very long time to come. Most of all, Marion was a great personal friend and advisor. I miss him already a great deal.Marion was quiet, fiercely soft-spoken, witty, and learned in a humble, easy-going way. He often seemed to be on the verge of smiling, as though at himself for having anything to say. There was the shadow of a kind of subdued sorrow about him (folded with his “ever-cheerful” view of this life) of which he never spoke, and whatever personal sadness may have made its acquaintance with him, he never allowed it to breach the citadel of a generous and kindly heart. As one of his familiars observed, Marion “had the gift of a deep, instinctive understanding, informed by his intellect, that whenever Joy is present, it has within its heart a drop of Sorrow.”
Our own editor Paul Cella has a fascinating essay on Tim Tebow, patriotism, and partisanship which you will definitely want to read.
And W4 frequent commentator Beth Impson has a great piece on the purposes of literature, which reminds me somewhat of this book of essays by the reformed man of letters Henry Zylstra.
I haven't had a chance to read the whole issue but plan on reading more!
Comments (10)
I've been enjoying browsing the issue this evening, too. I especially appreciated John Young's essay on technology.
It's much too kind to suggest even a passing similarity to someone like Zylstra -- thank you!
Posted by Beth Impson | June 8, 2012 10:11 PM
A friend and I were at the beginning stages of plans for a "pilgrimage" to visit Montgomery when we heard of his passing last November. In December several of us Montgomery devotees got together for a discussion of his works, preceded by a prayer and a toast -- bourbon, of course.
I'm looking forward to reading this, and will pass the info along to my Montgomerian confreres.
Posted by Nice Marmot | June 8, 2012 11:49 PM
I agree, the Beth Impson piece is both insightful and well written.
Are you referring to Henry Zylstra, the translator of Holland Dutch books into readable English? A few years before his death, Zylstra was one of the founders of The Reformed Journal. I wonder, was he a liberal in Reformed clothing like most of the other contributors to The Reformed Journal? I did not know that Zylstra was a giant in English literature. I shall check him out.
Posted by Thomas | June 9, 2012 10:48 PM
Thomas, thank you for your kind words.
Yes, that is the Henry Zylstra. I haven't read a lot of his work, but what I've seen didn't appear to be liberal at all. I do appreciate what I've read that he says about language.
Posted by Beth Impson | June 9, 2012 10:51 PM
My understanding is that Henry Zylstra set up the original liberal arts program at Calvin College long, long ago. He was very interested in the intersection of Christian thought and literature and has a charming series of essays (the only things I've read by him) on that subject.
Posted by Lydia | June 9, 2012 11:27 PM
"The wanderer with no home is hardly the interesting exception anymore: he is the very type of the modern man. From city to city he rambles, pursuing economic opportunity, romantic whim, self-regarding fancy; or fleeing the ennui he feels at the secret deprivation of being a man without a home..."
"Kathy I'm lost," I said
Though I knew she was sleeping
I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
Counting the cars on the New Jersey turnpike
They've all come to look for America
All come to look for America...
-- Paul Simon, "America"
Posted by The Masked Elephant | June 10, 2012 6:44 PM
The Tim Tebow piece has a mistake:
"Tebow’s last game as a Denver Bronco was the best game of his career, a stupendous victory in the playoffs as a huge underdog, against a storied franchise with more championships than any other"
Tebow's last game as a Bronco was a loss to the Patriots... as a fellow Broncos fan I know the Steelers game seemed like the last real game, but still...
Posted by josh | June 11, 2012 12:20 AM
Josh, I had the same thought: "I could have sworn the last thing he did was lose to the Patriots," but not being a football expert I wasn't sure.
Posted by The Masked Elephant | June 11, 2012 9:30 AM
Thanks, Josh. You're quite right. I meant that it was his last game IN DENVER. My mistake.
Posted by Paul J Cella | June 11, 2012 11:34 AM
I can make corrections, Paul. Just send them along through Bill or Rick.
Posted by Todd | June 12, 2012 11:51 AM