What’s Wrong with the World

The men signed of the cross of Christ go gaily in the dark.


What’s Wrong with the World is dedicated to the defense of what remains of Christendom, the civilization made by the men of the Cross of Christ. Athwart two hostile Powers we stand: the Jihad and Liberalism...read more

A Note on Political Correctness and the Rule of Law

I did not read any of the articles announcing that Tory shadow minister Damian Green had been arrested, on the grounds that he had been the recipient of 'leaked' documents containing 'state secrets'. Instead, I heard on numerous BBC radio broadcasts that he had been so arrested, whereupon the reporters and panelists descended into an increasingly tedious discussion of whether any procedural violations occurred, and, if so, what were the ramifications for democratic government in the UK.

Cynically, and knowing the character of the Labour government which has held the reins of power since 1997 - that it is in thrall to the worst of politically-correct nostrums, and prefers to implement them administratively wherever possible, so as to foreclose upon any actual discussion - it was my intuition that Mr. Green had not disclosed any genuine state secrets of the sort that impact sensitive matters of security or diplomacy, but rather that he had disclosed the connivance of the Labour regime in some politically-correct scheme contrary to the interests of native Britons, which Labour wanted concealed for that very reason - that it would be embarrassing.

And so it was.

As A. Millar reports at the Brussels Journal, the 'leaked' documents in question were as follows:

* A memo from November 2007, implicating that Home Secretary Jacqui Smith in the cover-up of some 5,000 illegal immigrants licensed as security guards.
* A 2008 blacklist of Labour MPs plotting to vote against the increase without trial to 42 days for terror suspects.
* A 2008 Border and Immigration memo revealing that an illegal immigrant was employed in the House of Commons, and using a fake identity pass.
* A 2008 letter from Smith, revealing that Ministers feared recession will mean an increase in violent crime, as well as hostility to immigrants.

In sum, then, the Labour government connived at the subversion of the laws and the interests of native Britons, assuredly as part of a program to curry favour with certain immigrant communities who are perceived to be victimized by discrimination and hostility, which might erupt in violence as the recession deepens. One wonders as to the identity of these immigrants and communities. No. Scratch that. Given everything that is known about oikophobic Britain, don't we already have well-founded suspicions as to who these illegals are? Even if such suspicions were demonstrated beyond all doubt to be without foundation, and that the illegals in question were a hodge-podge, the enormity of this would be lessened by but a few degrees. For the significance of this arrest is that a Tory minister discovered that the incumbent regime was violating the law in order to favour illegal immigrant communities as over against Britons (these two being inseparable), disclosed this information, and for his trouble was arrested for having betrayed official secrets - which is to say that in the UK, it is apparently now an explicit prerogative of state to conspire against the British people in ways small and great. The rule of law, therefore, is no longer the framework of public proceedings, but a partisan apparatus instrumentalized towards the entrenchment of politically-correct, oikophobic policies - policies which might seem scandalous, and are thus rebranded as state secrets. The rule of law secures the conspiracy of the elites against the people.

Ah, managerial democracy! May some rough beast soon devour you!

Comments (4)

The wasteland of Blair's England is just a couple of years ahead of the curve. Like the U.K., our elites wear staid grey-flannel suits and appear as typical commuters. If they dressed the part; sideways baseball hats, lots of bling, a gold capped tooth here and there, over-sized sunglasses, bulky sweatshirts and baggy pants, Americans might grow more alarmed at the gang-bangers pillaging our nation.

Could somebody explain to me what the legal fig leaf is for this blatant act of suppression of information?

I think they need a FOIA over there.

I wish I could provide some explanation of the fig leaf here, but it doesn't, from everything I've found, appear to be anything more than an attempt to have routine documents treated as state secrets.

Even a Labour backbencher gets this:

"We should be allowed to do our principal job, our main job, which is to hold the government to account, relentlessly to hold the government to account.

"And an attack on that job and that office is not an attack on [the MP], it is an attack on the people who they represent.

"There is no greater attack than raiding the office and removing files at the behest and with the consent of the Speaker. And that is, in a very real sense... an outrage."

I will be astonished, however, if anything comes of this. The procedural dispute will simmer down, and the substantive issues lying beneath that dispute will remain in the oblivion to which they have been consigned. Everyone will keep the stiff upper lip, and the UK will continue swirling round the bowl.

But will the guy get convicted of something and sentenced to jail or will he be triumphantly vindicated and released? Or neither?

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