Paul J Cella
Editor Paul J. Cella is grateful he may freely wage intellectual warfare against the dominant spirit of his age. He is honored and awed that there is still such good in his country that this warfare is necessary and may perhaps be just. And in the company of such men and women as these he wonders whether he can measure up. He is an Editor at His writing has appeared in The New Atlantis, The American Conservative, Touchstone, The Dallas Morning News and other publications. He is decisively outnumbered by girls in his domestic life. He loves golf but is quite bad at it. A Colorado-born Georgian, he attended Wake Forest University, mainly to watch ACC basketball.
- The Same Old Weary Shuffling, July 18, 2021
- La nouvelle radio, May 10, 2021
- Easter 2021, April 4, 2021
- It should hurt sometimes, September 29, 2020
- 91-Divoc, May 24, 2020
- Behold!, April 12, 2020
- RIP John Prine, April 10, 2020
- Good American music, February 11, 2020
- Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, January 13, 2020
- Late autumn Longreads, December 12, 2019
- “Just throw my bones in a hole in the ground” -- Lord Huron's spectral harmonies, November 3, 2019
- Commander Fravor on Joe Rogan, October 21, 2019
- What makes this song great?, September 24, 2019
- Brexit and the independent substance of populism, September 15, 2019
- Government by algorithm, August 18, 2019
- Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, July 30, 2019
- D-Town sports mania, May 7, 2019
- Antarctic France, May 1, 2019
- The Mental Sufferings of Our Lord, April 19, 2019
- "Like nothing I've ever seen.", February 12, 2019
- Mako Three Zero Charlie, January 20, 2019
- Long lay the world in sin and error pining, December 24, 2018
- President and Pope, November 26, 2018
- Garcia Plays Dylan, October 30, 2018
- September 11th, September 11, 2018
- Truth, September 7, 2018
- “I was the king of standing alone” -- Rateliff and the Night Sweats, June 18, 2018
- R.I.P. Tom Wolfe [updated], June 10, 2018
- The real Elizabeth Jennings, April 23, 2018
- The Undeath of Cinema, April 21, 2018
- Atonement, March 30, 2018
- St. Patrick and the monkish wealth of nations, March 17, 2018
- A Soldier of the Great War by Mark Helprin, March 5, 2018
- Long Strange Trip, January 22, 2018
- Don't murder me, January 8, 2018
- American Affairs, November 12, 2017
- Josh Ritter at Variety PLayhouse, October 25, 2017
- Standing at attention for the National Anthem, September 25, 2017
- The Great American Eclipse, August 22, 2017
- The Preamble, August 8, 2017
- Josh Ritter the Smiling Folk-Rock Mountain Man, June 18, 2017
- The Empty Tomb, April 15, 2017
- Relentless Strike by Sean Naylor, April 3, 2017
- Leon Bridges is awesome, August 14, 2016
- The Gulag, July 31, 2016
- Solzhenitsyn's Line in Dallas, July 9, 2016
- Austrian Eurocrats May Have Cheated to Win an Election, July 3, 2016
- When I was down, you just stood there grinning, June 21, 2016
- Let there be songs, to fill the air, May 26, 2016
- Churchill was paid like a star athlete, April 3, 2016
- St. Patrick and the wealth of nations, March 17, 2016
- The Way of the Wandering Star., December 24, 2015
- Liberalism and the Jihad, again, December 13, 2015
- Observe and remember, November 22, 2015
- Buckley for Mayor, October 28, 2015
- Distributism and the American political economy., October 9, 2015
- Sunday Verse, August 16, 2015
- Greece submits to Germany, July 18, 2015
- Stand Together as Men, June 14, 2015
- New number of The Christendom Review, June 14, 2015
- Bob Dylan at the Fox Theatre, June 2, 2015
- Our regional inheritance, May 10, 2015
- Brazilian Magnates Inflict Dreadful Austerity on American Workers, March 27, 2015
- Against third-party reproduction, March 22, 2015
- Zippy Catholic on Usury, March 17, 2015
- Reminder: Austerity means tax hikes, March 2, 2015
- Burke, Churchill and Harry Jaffa, February 1, 2015
- What need means, January 28, 2015
- The hard case for Free Speech, January 26, 2015
- Conservatives, free speech and the disputed question, January 19, 2015
- The demise of Amedy Coulibaly, January 11, 2015
- The presuppositions of the skeptics, January 3, 2015
- Coalition Politics Revisited, November 3, 2014
- What We’re Reading: “Drink, ye harpooneers!”, October 18, 2014
- Songs spilling out off of every page, August 18, 2014
- Edmund Burke: teacher of mankind, August 10, 2014
- Results of the W4 Reader Survey, July 7, 2014
- Reader survey, June 30, 2014
- New number of The Christendom Review, June 27, 2014
- The whim of the inquisitors, June 21, 2014
- What We're Reading: Twain on the Mississippi, June 16, 2014
- Syllogisms and ceasing to think, June 16, 2014
- Remembering the Fall of Rome, May 29, 2014
- The last Civil War pensioner, May 12, 2014
- "I ran my first mile here", April 22, 2014
- Just Like Free Speech Blues Revisited, April 9, 2014
- We do not own ourselves, April 2, 2014
- Winning and Losing with Hobby Lobby, March 29, 2014
- Dallas Fed goes to Mexico City, March 20, 2014
- Liberals always deny science when it's necessary for liberalism, March 6, 2014
- Go Broncos, February 2, 2014
- Charity and Philanthropy, December 29, 2013
- RIP Dr. Edmund Daniel Pellegrino, December 23, 2013
- Dylan notes, December 9, 2013
- Clinician or moralist?, November 2, 2013
- A Federalist Miscellany, October 25, 2013
- September 11, September 11, 2013
- Inquisition and plutocracy, September 4, 2013
- Fragment on sports journalism, August 22, 2013
- The derangement of incentives, August 17, 2013
- Upward mobility and the generational economy, July 25, 2013
- “If I die in Raleigh, at least I will die free”, July 6, 2013
- Professor Mansfield's academic epigrams, July 4, 2013
- A Miscellany of Science, June 5, 2013
- New number of The Christendom Review, June 3, 2013
- GUEST REVIEW: Home is where the Truth is, April 26, 2013
- He Is Risen!, March 30, 2013
- Ironies of 18th century histories, March 10, 2013
- Toward a Biology Worthy of Life, March 5, 2013
- New Contributor, February 22, 2013
- Environmentalism and abortion, February 15, 2013
- Puncturing the sanctimony, February 9, 2013
- Science and abortion, February 4, 2013
- The war is not ending, January 22, 2013
- Christmas 2012, December 23, 2012
- The Christendom Review, December 18, 2012
- GUEST POST: Go Left, Young Man!, November 19, 2012
- Drunk with reverence, November 16, 2012
- I pay in blood, but not my own, October 9, 2012
- King Bond Approximately, September 5, 2012
- Pensees on Austerity, July 25, 2012
- Three great reads, July 11, 2012
- Announcements, June 27, 2012
- WFU alumnus wins the US Open, June 22, 2012
- Notes on the Crisis: Grexit edition., May 16, 2012
- Mass organized boycott, April 28, 2012
- What is a commercial republic?, March 26, 2012
- Lowenstein and The Villain, March 20, 2012
- Best of W4: Ireland and Her Saints, March 17, 2012
- Talbott on randomness, February 29, 2012
- A fruitful conversation, February 20, 2012
- Almost conscious symbolism, February 18, 2012
- GUEST POST: Is Free Enterprise Evil?, February 6, 2012
- Tuesday Verse, January 24, 2012
- Demographics and political economy, January 22, 2012
- A Cross of Euros, January 17, 2012
- Broncos vs. Patriots, January 14, 2012
- War against baby girls, January 6, 2012
- Sunday Verse, December 11, 2011
- Gainesville on the Rockies, November 28, 2011
- Monetarism has a conservative pedigree, November 4, 2011
- Interesting times, November 3, 2011
- Pessimism into American optimism?, October 31, 2011
- Between emergency and melioration, October 27, 2011
- Pensions and the usury crisis, October 25, 2011
- Securities are different, October 20, 2011
- Justin Townes Earle, September 17, 2011
- Europe on the brink, September 15, 2011
- The necessity of coalition politics, August 25, 2011
- Lewis on Germany, August 13, 2011
- GUEST ESSAY: Enlarging the Home for Evil, August 5, 2011
- Just Like Euro Solvency Crisis Blues; or, Stuck Inside of Toyko with the Zurich Blues Again, August 4, 2011
- Fragment on Decline, July 29, 2011
- Talbott on organism, June 24, 2011
- Review of Dylan in America, June 20, 2011
- Cianfrocca on the usury crisis, June 13, 2011
- The trust that wasn't, June 10, 2011
- On Moderation: Blogging Malaysia., June 9, 2011
- Review on Jihad, May 25, 2011
- A democratic people must abide restraints, May 21, 2011
- Capitalism and hatred of debt, May 18, 2011
- The head of the IMF is scum, May 16, 2011
- Irish subjugation, May 7, 2011
- Anderson on Mueller, May 6, 2011
- The gag order on immigration, May 6, 2011
- Burn in hell Osama, May 2, 2011
- Royal Wedding, April 29, 2011
- Happy 10th Anniversary CRB!, April 28, 2011
- The age of revolution, April 20, 2011
- 'Something came up, out of the sea, swept through the land of the rich and the free', April 13, 2011
- Roepke on economic determinism, March 30, 2011
- Fragment on Commercial Republic, March 28, 2011
- Fragment on Revolution, March 26, 2011
- A lesson for the world, March 20, 2011
- Weapons nearest at hand, March 18, 2011
- Witness for a New Century, March 14, 2011
- Banking reforms, February 26, 2011
- Communism's dedicated historian, February 25, 2011
- More on materialism and plutocracy., February 18, 2011
- Thrasymachus and the principle of plutocracy., February 13, 2011
- Graphic plutocracy, January 31, 2011
- The sexual constitution., January 24, 2011
- Where can I get my coin?, January 20, 2011
- The houses of horror., January 20, 2011
- A little noticed cause of the failure of gun control, January 18, 2011
- Why we fight, January 12, 2011
- Mass murder in Tucson and the Left's base opportunism., January 11, 2011
- Snow day., January 10, 2011
- The Degringolade., December 31, 2010
- Can we impose morality?, December 20, 2010
- Economic houses upon the sand., December 15, 2010
- The Fed's own "document dump.", December 1, 2010
- Hard questions persist., November 19, 2010
- Fragment on Jihad and Total War, October 29, 2010
- Fragment on Oakeshott, October 25, 2010
- Short notices, October 16, 2010
- Just Like Social Democracy Blues, October 11, 2010
- Steve Talbott's genomic dynamite, October 5, 2010
- The usury crisis continues, October 4, 2010
- What else is American Conservatism?, September 19, 2010
- Fragment on business and social responsibility., September 14, 2010
- Cianfrocca takes on all comers, August 27, 2010
- King Alfred over despair, August 16, 2010
- America's Lost Decade?, August 4, 2010
- The Agony of Famagusta, July 21, 2010
- David Hart and the Perfect Game, July 15, 2010
- The silent slaughter of European Keynesianism, July 13, 2010
- Mahoney on Tocqueville, June 16, 2010
- Capital market fragility: an object lesson., June 11, 2010
- Baker, Yousefzadeh and secularism, June 2, 2010
- The Christendom Review; Volume 2, Issue 01, May 31, 2010
- Memorial Day Weekend: Open Thread., May 29, 2010
- Stop the presses: NYT prints hard truths, May 28, 2010
- Notes on the continuing crisis, May 26, 2010
- Exceptionalism series, Part IV, May 18, 2010
- National Review responds, May 13, 2010
- Part III, May 12, 2010
- Exceptionalism series, part II., May 8, 2010
- Cobbett: agitator for all seasons., May 6, 2010
- Cella series on American Exceptionalism., May 4, 2010
- Usury's bite, April 15, 2010
- For Poland, April 14, 2010
- Brass Tacks, pt. II., March 26, 2010
- Down to the brass tacks, March 25, 2010
- American political science quiz., March 23, 2010
- Zippy’s back, March 16, 2010
- Distributism in practice?, March 14, 2010
- Preamble and Compact, March 13, 2010
- Christian workers expelled from Morocco., March 10, 2010
- Being a liberal means never having to say you're sorry, March 2, 2010
- The Financial Crisis and the Scientific Mindset, February 21, 2010
- Canadian gold, Rousseau's Poland, and patria in the heart., February 16, 2010
- American decline, February 9, 2010
- The Last Sunrise Over Greek Rome, February 6, 2010
- Market turbulence, February 5, 2010
- Kerstein on Howard Zinn, January 29, 2010
- New Contributor, January 28, 2010
- The Jihad and the laws of war., January 23, 2010
- Morning reading, January 15, 2010
- My essay in The New Atlantis, January 11, 2010
- The bailout of globalization, January 2, 2010
- Positively Wall Street, January 1, 2010
- Fragment on Capitalism and Free Enterprise, December 30, 2009
- Cohen on Kristol, December 29, 2009
- The financiers of Harvard Square., December 19, 2009
- Walk Away, December 11, 2009
- Political economy and human motives., December 9, 2009
- Zmirak on Warhol and more., November 30, 2009
- Dubai and the failure of the modern mind., November 30, 2009
- The First Thanksgiving Proclamation, November 26, 2009
- New Issue of The Christendom Review, November 23, 2009
- Bob Dylan wars, November 21, 2009
- Communists still get good press, November 14, 2009
- BOOK EXCERPT: American Austen, November 10, 2009
- New York City Council District 26, November 3, 2009
- Bacon's "The New Atlantis" reconsidered, October 19, 2009
- Kerstein on Israel, October 16, 2009
- Politike episteme and the Usury Crisis, October 14, 2009
- Hunter's End, October 5, 2009
- Ireland approves Lisbon Treaty, October 3, 2009
- Shadow banking., October 1, 2009
- Globalization and finance capitalism., September 29, 2009
- PGA Tour 2009, September 27, 2009
- September 11., September 11, 2009
- National Affairs, September 8, 2009
- Plutocracy and the crisis of usury., September 1, 2009
- Bob Dylan Christmas album, August 26, 2009
- Walmart in the Wilderness, August 25, 2009
- The End of Secularism, August 20, 2009
- Fragment on science and prudence., August 18, 2009
- Coffee and Markets, August 14, 2009
- A Utopia of Usurers*, August 5, 2009
- Biblical solutions?, July 6, 2009
- Independence Day, July 4, 2009
- Churchill's adventures, June 30, 2009
- The tragedy of usury., June 24, 2009
- Lincoln Open Thread (but be careful), June 22, 2009
- RIP, Private Long, June 9, 2009
- Chesterton on origins, June 2, 2009
- Proclaiming anew, May 15, 2009
- Busy dying?, May 13, 2009
- Dylan notes, May 8, 2009
- Lives of the Founders, May 6, 2009
- New issue of The Christendom Review, May 4, 2009
- On patriotism and democracy., April 19, 2009
- Communism on trial, April 13, 2009
- He is risen!, April 11, 2009
- Morbid optimism, from banks to the streets., April 7, 2009
- Self-parody on wheels., March 24, 2009
- The Great Usury Crisis, March 19, 2009
- Ireland and her saints., March 17, 2009
- The romance of property., March 17, 2009
- The 300 Optimists., March 16, 2009
- St. Tom Approximately., March 11, 2009
- Usury is an offense against property., March 9, 2009
- Securitized fish., March 4, 2009
- Electric brinkmanship, March 2, 2009
- What's right with the world: hawks in your backyard., March 1, 2009
- Socialism and the crisis of usury., February 27, 2009
- More prayers, February 6, 2009
- Prayers, February 4, 2009
- The Politics of Tiger Woods, February 2, 2009
- Praise Him, planet and moon!, January 30, 2009
- September flashbacks., January 15, 2009
- A great win., January 13, 2009
- Regionalism at The University Bookman, January 7, 2009
- Badeaux on Cormac McCarthy, January 7, 2009
- Technicals and the modern error., December 26, 2008
- Lunar Christmas., December 24, 2008
- CDS and human hubris., December 17, 2008
- The Christendom Review, December 4, 2008
- Notes on the crisis, pt. II, December 2, 2008
- Notes on the crisis., November 20, 2008
- Book excerpt: Defending the Republic, November 13, 2008
- New Contributor, October 17, 2008
- Review of Modern Times, October 14, 2008
- October 7, 1571: Lepanto, October 7, 2008
- Arguing Conservatism, August 26, 2008
- Our link to the Troubador., August 8, 2008
- Playgrounds., August 2, 2008
- The Liberal heart of darkness., August 1, 2008
- Simplicity and Becoming., July 31, 2008
- America and the walls of particularity., July 25, 2008
- Scaremongering and Muslims as ciphers., July 24, 2008
- Lincolnian ambivalence., July 16, 2008
- One tendentious opinion away., June 27, 2008
- Just Like Tony Kennedy's Blues, June 26, 2008
- Let's play, "Count the Usurpations.", June 25, 2008
- Today's Syllabus., June 20, 2008
- Betraying Free Speech., June 14, 2008
- Memorial Day, May 26, 2008
- Viva la revolucion!, May 21, 2008
- Islam and Free Speech., May 15, 2008
- How to argue against Socialism., April 14, 2008
- Buckley, Chambers and the West, March 12, 2008
- Buckley's Triumph, March 5, 2008
- Two puzzles and a conjecture., February 20, 2008
- A Challenge for the propositionalists., February 7, 2008
- And they say WE are bitter., February 6, 2008
- Jihad in Atlanta, January 23, 2008
- The defiance we need, and the oppression we've got., January 15, 2008
- Film review: The Kingdom, December 28, 2007
- Unto us a Child is born., December 22, 2007
- The irony of Bob Dylan., December 18, 2007
- Still standing athwart., December 13, 2007
- City Journal and immigration, December 10, 2007
- Passivity and paralysis., December 6, 2007
- Another polemic against Liberalism, December 3, 2007
- The Closing of the American Mind at 20., December 3, 2007
- Ambush in Samarra, November 20, 2007
- A fragment on Conservatism and Progress, November 18, 2007
- Hawkish on sedition, November 5, 2007
- A mattress on a bottle of WHINE, October 23, 2007
- Chesterton’s gift, October 15, 2007
- The Jihad and the Republican Party, October 15, 2007
- Time and the Neighbor., October 9, 2007
- Made by the Cross of Christ, October 2, 2007
- The prison of utopian style., October 1, 2007
- Wild goose chases, September 27, 2007
- Book review., September 25, 2007
- Bleachers in the sun., September 19, 2007
- Ideology and globalism., September 18, 2007
- The Victory of September 11., September 11, 2007
- The PGA Playoffs in full swing., September 4, 2007
- Technology ain’t always so bad., September 3, 2007
- Jihad and democracy., August 30, 2007
- Soldiers indeed., August 27, 2007
- More of the same., August 24, 2007
- White Horse upon the Blue Ridge., August 22, 2007
- An old and necessary debate., August 21, 2007
- The Coalition., August 16, 2007
- Chesterton on nonsense., August 14, 2007
- The conjecture of impotence., August 2, 2007
- Dave Matthews and the apocalypse., July 31, 2007
- American oratory., July 25, 2007
- The Jihad-sedition law., July 24, 2007
- Conservatism after Bush., July 19, 2007
- The strange decline of privacy., July 17, 2007
- I heart golf., July 16, 2007
- Cleaning house., June 14, 2007
- Living in the past., June 12, 2007
- “Hurrah for Texas!”, June 4, 2007
- The two freedoms., May 30, 2007
- Memorial., May 28, 2007
- Civilization without Religion?, May 28, 2007
- Culbreath on feminism., May 24, 2007
- At the local yard sale . . ., May 21, 2007
- Conservative voter's dilemma., May 15, 2007
- The wild unknown country., May 14, 2007
- The University: Reform if you would preserve., May 11, 2007
- Tony Blair and the Jihad., May 10, 2007
- Archbishop speaks on freedom and history., May 9, 2007
- Gas station mutterings., May 8, 2007
- Tiger wins in Charlotte., May 7, 2007
- Poets and teachers., May 6, 2007
- A broken dialogue., May 4, 2007
- The politics of repair., May 3, 2007
- Practical steps., April 30, 2007
- Esolen on masculinity., April 26, 2007
- New Kirk collection., April 24, 2007
- The party of grateful men., April 19, 2007