Jeffrey S
Jeffrey S. is a married father of two girls who is a lifelong resident of the Chicagoland area. He got his B.A. degree in Economics at the University of Michigan (and studied abroad for a year at the London School of Economics, where he lived in a row house in the East End and still misses fish and chips!) and his Masters degree in Public Policy from the University of Chicago. He currently lives in Chicago where his girls attend public school and he attends one of the most beautiful Catholic churches in the country. Jeff is a revert to the Catholic faith but says a prayer of thanks whenever he remembers his Protestant brothers and sisters who helped lead him back to Christ. As a result he has a strong interest in Christian apologetics, as well as Christian art, literature and music. He also loves the classics of Western civilization as well as more modern political and policy writing and does a lot of reading in his free time. He recently read a blogger who described himself as an “urban progressive”—Jeff considers himself the exact opposite—a reactionary lover of cities who hopes someday to be considered the Christian Theodore Dalrymple of the blogosphere.
- Kobe, Memories, and Redemption, January 28, 2020
- 12 Rules for Life – Some Preliminary Thoughts, May 12, 2018
- Tangled Up in Blue, January 20, 2018
- Did the Founders Build Better or Worse Than They Knew?, October 29, 2017
- Anniversary Post - Conservatism and Nationalism or “Patriots, Please Stop Your Moral Preening and Start Singing Our National Anthem!”, April 30, 2017
- Deathworks Everywhere, April 4, 2017
- Taking Another Bite At The Alt-Right, January 29, 2017
- Hope at Christmas, December 24, 2016
- So Much For Moderate Islam, November 6, 2016
- Let's Enter the Agora Together, September 22, 2016
- Immigration Hard-Liners Can (and do!) Appreciate Diversity and Foreign Countries, September 1, 2016
- A Vulgar (and Humorous) Look Back At the Moral Corruption Surrounding Barack Obama, August 10, 2016
- Orwell’s Depressing Ongoing Relevance, July 14, 2016
- Ideas Versus? Identity, June 14, 2016
- What’s The Matter With Garbutt?, May 4, 2016
- Book Review: The Prodigal God, April 4, 2016
- Head Start, Vaclav Havel’s Greengrocer, Moldbug, and Me, February 28, 2016
- Popular Culture, Serious Moral Themes and the Baleful Effects of the Sexual Revolution, December 7, 2015
- On Questions of National Importance, I Feel Compelled to Respond..., November 24, 2015
- #White Lives Matter?, November 12, 2015
- Rusty, Maureen, Fascism, Socialism, Liberalism, Oh My!, October 6, 2015
- The Courtesy of Taking Immigration Opponents Seriously, August 17, 2015
- I Thought It Was Only Crazy Islamists That Wanted to Destroy Their Heritage?, June 25, 2015
- Amazing What You Find Doing Historical Research, April 29, 2015
- I May Not Be A Philosophy Professor, But I Know Bad Philosophical Arguments When I See Them, March 16, 2015
- The National Question, February 9, 2015
- Happy Birthday To The Federalist – Part One: Here We Go Again!, December 20, 2014
- Alan Jacobs is Confused About the Demands of Charity, November 7, 2014
- Roe V Wade All Over Again, October 7, 2014
- Will Jonah Come Again to Nineveh?, July 21, 2014
- The Pope and the Cardinal are right about Libertarians…And Wrong about Economics!, June 17, 2014
- Local Madness, June 3, 2014
- It was satire five minutes ago..., April 4, 2014
- The Essence of Modern Liberalism in One Sad Thought, February 17, 2014
- 'For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh', February 6, 2014
- Housekeeping, December 31, 2013
- Fallen Idol, October 23, 2013
- My Apologies to Orwell, October 7, 2013
- "The post is remarkably ungenerous. It drips with contempt." -- *UPDATE BELOW*, August 26, 2013
- The Church of Cliches, July 3, 2013
- J'accuse ...!, May 20, 2013
- Crude, Israel, Gay Marriage...Oh My!, March 20, 2013
- The "Reality-Based" Community Is Divorced From Reality, February 20, 2013
- Habemus Blogpost! (About Pope Benedict XVI), February 13, 2013
- Alan Blinder and all that is "seen and unseen...", February 4, 2013
- Hapless, Hieromanical, Chuck Hagel, January 17, 2013
- A Prayer for Lawrence Auster, January 12, 2013
- A more fraudulent title for this dangerous measure could not be imagined., January 7, 2013
- Against the retreat from the institution of marriage - part two, December 13, 2012
- Some men kiss their chains, December 3, 2012
- Bad Advice, November 9, 2012
- Some Thoughts On The Depressing Aftermath, November 7, 2012
- A Post On The Oddities of Place - UPDATED, October 31, 2012
- I Refuse To Sneer, October 8, 2012
- Why Are Catholics Still Voting For Democrats? - Part 2, September 26, 2012
- Why Are Catholics Still Voting For Democrats?, September 10, 2012
- What Have I Learned From The Internet, August 9, 2012
- The Devilish Mr. Derbyshire, July 31, 2012
- Liberals Used to Value The Truth, Part 345, July 25, 2012
- More Disruption Please, July 19, 2012
- Reading Liberal Articles – Frustrating Experiences in Futility, July 12, 2012
- Happy Independence? Day, July 4, 2012
- A Little Break from the Depressing News with a Classic Catholic Meme, June 29, 2012